Jennifer Mylander

Jennifer Mylander

( She/Her/Hers )
Associate Professor
Phone: (415) 338-7461
Location: HUM 332

Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Early modern literature; Shakespeare; colonial America; book history. Professor Mylander teaches courses on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century literature and culture; colonialism and the Atlantic world; Shakespeare; and Milton. Other teaching interests include the sonnet (16th-21st centuries); literature and revolution from Shakespeare to Austen; and devils and angels in print and visual culture. Current research explores the role of Shakespeare as a tool used by the colonial elite to teach the "refinement" of manners, speech, and mind in British America before 1725. This work is part of a larger project focused on the circulation of english imprints throughout the seventeenth-century Atlantic World that highlights a wide range of books, including best-selling medical books, devotional books, and prose histories/novellas.

Please consult your course syllabus or contact the instructor directly for office hours.